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Kimberly Paige

Mental Fitness

Get your mind right and the rest will follow...understanding this has been a major game-changer for me.

Working on behavioral changes alone requires a lot of willpower and self-discipline, but when you start working on your thoughts and beliefs the behavioral changes happen more easily and naturally.


Because our behaviors are always a reflection of our thoughts and beliefs and we can't become what we cannot envision.

If you can't imagine yourself fit and healthy and vibrantly alive, how will you create that? If you can't see yourself as having both financial freedom and time freedom, how can you possibly make it happen?

You've got to see it to be it.

Visualization is not a *woo woo* technique. It's a process that competitive athletes have been using for decades. Mental training is powerful training.

Your imagination is the most creative tool that you have.

Your mind, it seems, cannot differentiate between what is seen in your imagination versus what it sees in reality. So, if you mentally rehearse something it is very similar to actually doing it *in real life*.

When a client comes to me with a goal, typically the first step that I have them take is to make a list of their "whys".

Why do you want this?

What will it feel like to have this thing or circumstance that you want?

I ask them to go deep and discover what it is that they really, really want--not just what they think they want. I help them craft a story in which they create a very powerful why which they can then visualize.

You can do this to!

Here are the steps:

  1. Write down your goal or desire.

  2. List 25 or so reasons why you want to achieve this. Don't be afraid to give reasons that are not traditional or seem a little *out there*

  3. Choose 3 to 5 of those reasons that really resonate with you. These are the reasons that have the biggest emotional pull.

  4. Rephrase these reasons (if necessary) so that are written in present tense and are positively worded meaning that you saying are what you want, not what you don't want.

  5. Create a story of you living your life in this desired state. It doesn't need to be long, but it should describe not just what you're doing, but also how you're feeling.

Let me give a quick example. Let's say that you want to double your income in 2019. After making a list of 25 or so reasons why you want that you narrow it down to a few compelling reasons.

One of the reasons that really resonates with you is that you want to be able to take a 2 week trip to Tuscany with your partner. You phrase it in a way that is positive and present tense. "I am loving spending 2 weeks in Tuscany with Sam."

Then just write a little story about it.

"Oh my god, Sam and I are staying at the sweetest little boutique hotel in Montalcino. I don't think I've ever been so relaxed in my whole life! We spend our days exploring the countryside, tasting wine, eating the best food, and practicing our Italian. At night, we cozy up in front of our fireplace with a little more wine and talk and talk. This is a dream trip and I am so happy!"

Do you see how this can be an effective exercise? You want to get descriptive enough to create a picture that you can see in your mind's eye. You want it to feel real.

I want you to see yourself living the life you want, in the body you want, with the people you want, and feeling damn good about it.

What do you think? Are you open to the idea that your mind is highly suggestible and that you can deliberately influence it when you feed your mind ideas that support your goals?

Because if you know your why--and you create a powerful enough story about it--your sense of purpose will override the fears, obstacles, and challenges of doing whatever it takes to reach your goal.

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