Kimberly Paige
Jan 26, 2020
Guidance vs Feedback
I love the feeling of being guided, you know, getting those prompts from the Universe that point you in exactly in the direction you need...

Kimberly Paige
Dec 16, 2019
When Fear Masquerades as Responsibility
Being responsible is good, right? I was raised to believe that being responsible was a pretty important quality to possess—and likely you...

Kimberly Paige
Sep 30, 2019
Imagine if...
Our imagination is one of the most powerful creative tools that we can access. Imagination is something that we intuitively tap into as...

Kimberly Paige
Sep 9, 2019
I Can't Believe You Said That
One of my favorite running trails runs along the Rogue River through a state park. The other day while I was out on the trail there was a...

Kimberly Paige
Jun 17, 2019
Your Expectations Will Break Your Heart
Expectation is the root of all heartache. I've been paying a lot of attention lately to what lies beneath the surface any time that I'm...

Kimberly Paige
May 31, 2019
A Little Shift in Perception Goes a Long Way
I talk about how our perception or interpretation of events is more important than the event itself ALL THE TIME. I talk about it because...

Kimberly Paige
May 13, 2019
Your Purpose is YOUR Purpose
No one else can tell you your purpose. It is something that you must discover and determine for yourself. That doesn't stop others from...

Kimberly Paige
Nov 20, 2017
Strong Women (and Men) are Made Not Born
Sometimes we are willing to accept things that we know are wrong because we believe it is the 'way of the world' and we are powerless...