Kimberly Paige
Aug 14, 2017
The Ultimate Life Hack? Your Workout.
Technology has made us soft. And lazy. Seriously, I order EVERYTHING from Amazon Prime. I have both an AC unit and a space heater in my...
Kimberly Paige
Apr 24, 2017
The "B" Word
“Do these squats make my legs look bulky*?” Recently, a fitness professional friend of mine posted on social media asking “aren’t we done...
Kimberly Paige
Apr 17, 2017
Well, $*#@, I Hate to Exercise
Do you think it’s weird that I totally LOVE to work out? I do, too! It is weird. It is so, so weird. Trust me when I say, I was NOT...
Kimberly Paige
Dec 12, 2016
"But...You Don't Look Like a Personal Trainer"
When I was about 40 years old, I decided to get my Personal Trainer Certification (I was also in graduate school and working...
Kimberly Paige
Aug 30, 2016
When Your Hair Gets in Your Way
Sometimes I have to learn things over and over again. It's a little bit ridiculous. Lately (I mean like the past year or so) I’ve gotten...