Kimberly Paige
Jun 26, 2017
What I’m REALLY Hungry for is… (Part 2)
Last week, I wrote about how futile it is to try to fill your emotional needs with food (you can read it here), and yet it is something...

Kimberly Paige
Jun 19, 2017
What I'm REALLY Hungry for is... (Part 1)
“There is no joy in this.” I must have made this statement to myself a hundred times following an episode of overeating. I’m not sure why...

Kimberly Paige
Feb 13, 2017
Turns Out, I Like My Lines Blurry
Today I got an email from Hay House—a publishing company that I love!—with the subject line “Are You Addicted to Food?” Of course, I...

Kimberly Paige
Jan 30, 2017
Setting Temporary Limits on the Path to Moderation
I have a former client, her name is Amy*. Shortly after she completed her coaching program, Amy stood up in a women’s networking group...

Kimberly Paige
Jan 16, 2017
True Confession Time...I am a Food Hoarder
“Hi, my name is Kimberly and I am a food hoarder.”* Oh my god, I can’t believe I just wrote that out loud. It’s true, I have this huge...

Kimberly Paige
Nov 21, 2016
A Moderate Indulgence
Moderate indulgence…is there such a thing? How do you walk that line between satisfaction vs. gluttony? Approaching a big food holiday...