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  • Kimberly Paige

A Moderate Indulgence

Moderate indulgence…is there such a thing? How do you walk that line between satisfaction vs. gluttony?

Approaching a big food holiday like Thanksgiving with an attitude of moderate indulgence totally changes things up. It’s pretty much a win-win in that you can enjoy your favorite comfort foods without any post-holiday guilt or regrets.

Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up the *morning after* without a food hangover and a bloated belly?

Here are a few ideas to help you *indulge with limits* this holiday season:

  • Have a plan or strategy. If you have a history of overeating on Thanksgiving, winging it is not your best game plan. You probably have a pretty good idea of what types of food will be served and when. How do you want to pace yourself?

  • Pick and choose. Fill a good portion of your plate with protein (maybe turkey??) and non-starchy vegetables then take smaller helpings of Thanksgiving treats, but only the ones you really love. For instance, maybe you adore Aunt Becky's sour cream mashed potatoes, but can live without the stuffing that appears a little dry.

  • Shift your attitude about the *specialness* of Thanksgiving food. One of the biggest overeating traps is the idea that this is just a once-per-year treat and you need to get your fill. Tell yourself that you can make or buy these foods at other times of the year as well. Because you can!

  • Savor the food you love. Eat slowly and mindfully, fully enjoying every bite.

  • Focus on the people you are celebrating with and be fully present. Engage in some meaningful conversation. It’s hard to talk or even listen deeply when you are eating or distracted by food.

  • Be thankful for the abundance in your life…there is no need to over-indulgence because you are surrounded by plenty!!

Happy Thanksgiving, y’all!

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