Kimberly Paige
Jul 24, 2017
2 Choices: 1) Go on another Diet, or 2) Do Something Else
I was talking to a friend on the phone the other day who was telling me that she really wanted to lose some weight. She told me about...

Kimberly Paige
Jun 26, 2017
What I’m REALLY Hungry for is… (Part 2)
Last week, I wrote about how futile it is to try to fill your emotional needs with food (you can read it here), and yet it is something...

Kimberly Paige
Jun 19, 2017
What I'm REALLY Hungry for is... (Part 1)
“There is no joy in this.” I must have made this statement to myself a hundred times following an episode of overeating. I’m not sure why...

Kimberly Paige
Feb 27, 2017
Change Your Energy, Change Your Life
It’s a little embarrassing, but… I broke my lap top last Friday. Not due to an accident, nope, due to a burst of temper. I had been in a...

Kimberly Paige
Dec 12, 2016
"But...You Don't Look Like a Personal Trainer"
When I was about 40 years old, I decided to get my Personal Trainer Certification (I was also in graduate school and working...

Kimberly Paige
Nov 8, 2016
The Joy of Rituals
There is something magical about starting and ending your day with things that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Over time I have...

Kimberly Paige
Oct 17, 2016
Moving Past Setbacks
Something I’ve been thinking about this week is how to move forward after a setback in a very self-nurturing way… Say, for instance,...

Kimberly Paige
Aug 16, 2016
The Diet Wagon - Once You Fall Off, Don't Get Back On
If you’re an average American woman, you’ve been on a diet before, or a hundred diets, or the same diet one hundred times. Dieting is...